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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today had history common test,1 inference,1 comparison and 1 str. essay,The inference part was kinda easy,except the comparison the similarity :/ ,paused at that question for like 5 mins,LOl.juz bullcrapped for that 1,but shld be L2/2 or L2/3 marks.And yeah cuz i stuck at the comparison for the str. essay i only did finish the munity part,rush for food and emden havnt.sian man,about 7 marks lost or so.

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 9:27 PM

Monday, February 22, 2010

The whole of this week gonna have CT.darn sian,after CT can play le,so muz persevere!Weeeee!haahah. :d

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 8:06 PM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long time no post,Lolz.nothing to post about,been watching one piece or playing games for 3 days of cny holiday :x ,

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 10:58 PM

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today had chinese new year celebration in sch,me and a few others did backstage work,like helping with the chairs and stuff.Last year kana scolding during celebration,this year also kana ==.bad luck manz,TIME TO ENJOY MY HOLIDAE!

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 10:38 PM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nothing to talk bout really,Im at episode 170 of one piece though ! :d.
Sadly today i lost my first place to aloy and darren,but i think they cheated lor..When we started running ,me and elson were the first to run ahead,i only see emmanuel running near us lo,when we finish aloy and darren say they finish le ==.
But who cares HAHHAHA,three times in a row is a good accomplishment !
Tomorrow got CCA,Bleh.Ok cya ! ;d

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 9:15 PM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Today had to go back to sch and collected newspapers from the HDB flats opposite sch,Good thing i can carry stuffs,if nt die die,Hahahahaa,+ when andrea ask if got people at home,very funny,duno why i kept laughing~,After everything finished,went to first floor and we stacked the newspaper and i sat on it,talk talk and weihong went to pick up this magazine,which i showed him juz now,and he got hyper!Ya if ur guessing,its not really sick, Anyway stole avril's 1 mth old phone and tried typing messages using the touch screen function,and..lol ,if i wanted to sms in class sure die die,nid keep looking cuz keep press wrong. Ok Goodnight,.

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 11:15 PM

Friday, February 5, 2010

Yesterday went to ikea,ran around and around,like a maze lolS !Today had health checkup,eye sight without spec = FAIl,with specs,spam until the person say ok can le,LOL,both eyes + i read super fast HAHAHAHHAHA ,backbone is straight,i heard sze siang got 1 hump on his spine,rofl! quite some guys have,IMMA SORTA PERFECT ! :D
Today also had CCA,games day actually,Played 'Caterpiller' 'Captain's Ball' 'Three legged game' 'M&M game' 'Whacko' ,Next week is CHINESE NEW YEAR! YIPeee,but i cant celebrate,rawr
Tml gonna go collect newspaper ! :D

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 8:15 PM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today had NO MUSIC LESSONS cuz 12;50 we went to eat our lunch before heading to da discovery center,did some total defence thingy..bored to death,reached sch at around 6;10 then...now at home watch ONE PIECEE!! Muahahhaha im at chapt 110 ! Addicted-ness

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 10:26 PM

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Today had PE ! And again im the first HAHAHHAH
3 times in a row im first,muahahaha.
Watched one piece from epi 90-100 today,and now i wanna sleep
Goodnight ! :D

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 10:33 PM

Monday, February 1, 2010

After school,stay back for chinese,do till around 4 finish,then slack there with maverick and others,i still remember how alphon took the chair without the metalic legs and put it as a helmet on his head,and use the metalic thingy as a body armour,and the covering for the chair legs as swords! LOl
play till bout 4:45,went opposite buy stuff eat awhile then went home.
Today watched one piece episode 82-90 loL ,not enuff time to watch more then that,Ok WTF ITS ALREADY 12 MIDNIGHT,HOLY !!LOL i still thought it was 11 when i was writing this post.I bet i spent that hour searching for this skin.Ok goodnight.

Tomorrow i must be the first in PE again!! ROAR!! *Ever growing determination ?! :D *

always and forever your faithful and best best friend ;; me ;;
- 11:49 PM


My name's Elgin
i was born on 26 March 1996.
Im a good secret-keeper,I feel im abit kaypo though,wondering aimlessly to other people secrets :3


Ice Cream
Many good friends
Less enemies :S


SSGT Simin :)
Cheryl Lim
Cheryl Hay
Jing Yi
Gek Ting
Edlyn Jie(Forced to type):)
Siyuan gay partner :O
List Of Colours ! :D


January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010